
How to equip all roofs with PV using BRC
Wed., 03rd July, 02:00 – 03:00 CEST
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Maximum yield from your roof surface


Whether shading, different orientation or different module inclination, modules with different irradiation reduce the yield of your overall system. With the BRC Optimizer M500/14, you get the maximum yield from these areas as well!

1. Shading

If one or more modules are shaded, the current that these modules can generate is reduced. Since the remaining modules are connected in series, they can also only carry this reduced current.

The system generates less energy


Your BRC optimizer adjusts the current of the shaded modules to match that of the others. You will regain maximum yield.

You can either equip all modules in the affected string (full optimization) or only the potentially shaded modules (partial optimization) with a BRC optimizer.

2. Different Orientation

Solar panels with different orientations in the same string receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the day and produce differing amounts of electricity. When modules with different orientations are connected in series, the current of your system is determined by the weakest part of the system with the lowest sunlight exposure.

Your system generates less energy

Your BRC optimizer adjusts the current of the weaker modules to match that of the stronger modules, ensuring you achieve maximum yield.

Equip all modules in the affected string of your solar installation with a BRC optimizer (full optimization).

3. Different Module Tilt or Inclination

Solar panels with different tilt angles in the same string receive varying amounts of sunlight throughout the day and produce differing amounts of electricity. When modules with different tilt angles are connected in series, the current of your system is determined by the weakest part of the system with the lowest sunlight exposure.

Your system generates less energy

Your BRC optimizer adjusts the current of the weaker modules to match that of the stronger modules, ensuring you achieve maximum yield.

Equip all modules in the affected string of your solar installation with a BRC optimizer (full optimization).

In addition, the BRC Power Optimizer can be combined with all common inverters!


Simply uncomplicated
More roof space
The BRC Power Optimizer solves the problem of shading, different orientation and different module inclination. This makes more roof surfaces suitable for a PV system!
Maximum flexibility
The Power Optimizer offers tradesmen maximum flexibility, as it only needs to be connected to shaded modules and the planning effort for a photovoltaic system is reduced.
Plug & Play
Connect, done. Our Power Optimizer is not only the easiest to install, but also immediately active when connected to the module.
Long-life electronics
Our Power Optimizer has long-life electronics due to the new GaN technology, which is particularly gentle to the electronics and thus enables an above-average service life.
True stand-by function
Our stand-by function, which enables our optimizers to switch off when there is sufficient sunlight, minimizes energy loss and also protects the electronics.
Simplest installation
Installation is carried out without any special tools, software, training, apps, etc.
Maximum yield
Costs are minimised for craftsmen and end users. Craftsmen can design and build a system without high planning costs. End consumers can achieve the maximum energy yield.
System independence
Since our Power Optimizer is inverter-independent, it can always be used on any shaded installation flexibly without being limited to a specific system.
Due to our long-life electronics, we grant a 25-year warranty.

More about the Power Optimizer


Compatible with all common inverters

Our Power Optimizer has been successfully tested for compatibility with all common inverters. We will continue to carry out tests in order to be able to permanently assure inverter independence.

A current list containing all inverter brands that we have successfully tested in the field can be found here.

Buy Power Optimizer

The Power Optimizer is available here

As a craftsman, we offer you the opportunity to place orders directly for our Power Optimizer. Simplify your procurement and maximise the performance of your equipment.

Order now



In the following, the functionality of the BRC Power Optimiser is illustrated using a shading situation:

Modern systems have the option of disconnecting the partially shaded module from the power circuit so that the other modules are not weakened. However, this creates the problem of hot spots, which can damage or destroy the modules.

With the help of the BRC Power Optimizer, hot spots are eliminated and, in addition, the remaining energy of the partially shaded module is harvested despite shading, allowing us to harness the maximum energy yield of the system.

With our innovative solutions, we offer an important building block for the photovoltaic industry worldwide.


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We appreciate your interest and your inquiry!


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