1 Functionality of Optimizers
Optimizers solve the problem of different irradiation levels in a string. Specifically, they are used in cases of shading, different orientations, or module tilts. If certain modules within a string receive less sunlight, they can only produce a reduced current. To prevent these from being bypassed with a bypass diode or slowing down the entire string, BRC optimizers can be specifically connected to the affected modules.
The optimizer then reduces the module’s output voltage accordingly to bring the current to the level of the unaffected modules. This ensures that maximum energy is always fed into the system and prevents hot spots that could damage the modules.
For more information on use cases, check out our video series at the following link:
Yes, the Power Optimizer M500 can be usedBRC optimizers only need to be connected to affected modules. However, if you want to use the monitoring function of the M600-M, at least 4 optimizers per string must be used.
Our optimizer increases the current at the affected module so that the same current flows at the optimizer’s output as with all other modules in the string. This ensures that no module slows down the others.
To demonstrate the functionality of our optimizer, we conducted a live data comparison between a non-optimized and a BRC-optimized system. You can find the video here:
Live Data Comparison with and without Power Optimizer – BRC Solar (youtube.com)
In global MPP tracking, the inverter searches for the best operating point within its string. Since modules with lower irradiation would reduce the string’s current, the inverter’s MPPT tracker counteracts this by increasing the required current. Since the modules cannot deliver this required current, the bypass diodes installed in the junction boxes become active and bypass the module. This means the module no longer reduces the string current. However, the remaining energy from the diffuse light is converted into heat at the module. Hot spots form on the cells, which can damage the module over time and reduce its lifespan.
The use of the optimizer prevents these hot spots from forming. Instead of the bypass diodes being activated by global MPPT tracking, the optimizer activates and ensures that the required current from the inverter flows at the optimizer’s output. The remaining energy from diffuse light can continue to be used and no hot spots form.
You can plan your solar system including our optimisers with PV*SOL and Solar.PrIn general, every electronic device emits electromagnetic signals during operation. For devices in photovoltaics, there are standards that clearly define the limit values for our devices. All our devices comply with these limit values. More information on the standards we adhere to can be found on the data sheets of our products.
A bypass diode is only activated when the voltage reverses at a module. This occurs when more current is demanded from a module or cell than it can deliver. In this case, the cell acts as a consumer, and a hot spot forms at the affected module. Therefore, the active bypass diode does not prevent hot spots. The optimizer’s MPPT tracking ensures that the affected cell continues to deliver power and does not consume it, which prevents cell hot spots.
2 Specific questions about m500
We offer a 25-year warranty on the purchase price of the optimizers.
If you have received the certificate from our BRCademy, you will also receive a replacement allowance in case of problems.
-The minimum input voltage is 16 Ready for immediate use without initialization (Plug & Play)
-No disruptive radio connections
-Inverter-independent / System-independent
-Maximum efficiency through patented shutdown automation (Inactive state of power electronics when no optimization is needed)
-Maximum efficiency thanks to Ultra Fast MPPT (20 times faster switching)
-High-quality components (Original Stäubli MC4 connectors)
-Only needs to be connected to affected modules
Please refer to the current version of the data sheet for each product. You can find the data sheets, installation instructions, etc., here:
3 Specific questions about m600-M
We offer a 25-year warranty on the purchase price of the optimizers.
If you have received the certificate from our BRCademy, you will also receive a replacement allowance in case of problems.
-No disruptive radio connections, data transmission via powerline (DC cable)
-Easy installation and setup of the entire system (Plug & Play with the M600 optimizer and mounting plate/wall bracket with BRConnect)
-Simple, clear operation and setup of the BRC Power Manager APP (e.g., module assignment via simple drag & drop)
-Monitoring of the PV system at the module level
-Partial equipment and patented inactivity still possible with monitoring (minimum of 4 optimizers per string)
-No license fees for the full use of the APP
Please refer to the current version of the data sheet for each product. You can find the data sheets, installation instructions, etc., here:
Communication takes place via powerline, i.e., over the DC cable. The optimizers modulate their performance data onto the string line, and the BRConnect reads this out contactlessly.
In addition to the M600-M, a BRConnect is needed. This captures the data for up to 3 strings and sends it via Ethernet or Wi-Fi connection to our cloud. The BRC Power Manager App is required for displaying and setting up the system.
4 Specific Questions about BRConnect
The BRConnect is installed directly at the inverter. Each BRConnect comes with a wall bracket that is mounted on the wall. The BRConnect is then simply attached to the wall bracket.
At the moment, there is no plan to implement a local interface.
An internet connection is required, via Ethernet or Wi-Fi.
5 Specific Questions about the Power Manager App
There are no additional fees for using the app.
We have created a short tutorial video for this. You can find it at the following link:
We have created a short tutorial video for this. You can find it at the following link:
We have created a short tutorial video for this. You can find it at the following link:
6 Special Features of Optimizer Installation
The optimizer can be connected using 4 plug connections. The following order should be observed: First, the short cables of the optimizer must be connected to the module. Then, the long cables are connected to the preceding or succeeding module or optimizer.
For installation, we have created a one-pager with important installation instructions. You can find it at the following link:
Currently, one optimizer per module is intended. There is currently no dual optimizer to which two modules can be connected simultaneously.
It is important that the inverter has global MPP tracking. Additionally, in the case of full optimization, ensure that the input current of 17 amperes is not exceeded by the inverter.
To determine if the respective inverter is compatible, we recommend a quick look at our compatibility releases with inverters. You can find this at the following link:
Compatible Inverters – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
If the desired inverter is not listed, we recommend using our Inverter Checker:
Inverter Checker – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
Additionally, our optimizers are not compatible with SolarEdge systems.
The best indicator is an open-circuit voltage test. Our optimizer returns the module’s open-circuit voltage when idle. Therefore, if the open-circuit voltage of the string matches the expected open-circuit voltage of the modules multiplied by the number of modules in the string, all optimizers are functional and correctly installed.
-Protective conductor resistance and open-circuit voltage measurements can be carried out without problems.
-A short-circuit current test must NOT be performed when using optimizers. This can lead to the destruction of the optimizers.
-During an insulation measurement, pay attention to the poles; otherwise, a short circuit will occur. The poles must not touch each other.
With some PV measuring devices, the auto mode must be turned off during commissioning; otherwise, an automatic short-circuit current measurement will be performed.
The string+ of the optimizer must be connected to the +input on the inverter, and the string- of the optimizer must be connected to the –input on the inverter.
Everything important for the installation or commissioning of a system with optimizers is summarized on a separate one-pager. You can find it at the following link:
7 Inverter / Module Compatibility
In general, the BRC optimizer is compatible with all common inverters that have global MPP tracking. We have conducted one-sided or two-sided compatibility tests with some of them. A list of inverter companies can be found here:
Compatible Inverters – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
Additionally, we have created an Inverter Checker. This tool indicates whether a full setup is possible without issues based on the inverter data you enter. You can find this checker at the following link:
For this, we have developed a Module Checker. You just need to enter the nominal power, short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, and temperature coefficient, and you will receive feedback on whether you can use our optimizers. You can find the checker at the following link:
BRC Solar Module Compatibility (brc-solar.de)
The necessary data can be found on the module’s data sheet.
As long as the inverter has global MPP tracking, it can also be used with a single-phase inverter.
As long as the inverter has global MPP tracking, it can also be used with a hybrid inverter.
With a microinverter, the modules are not connected in series but individually parallel to the inverter. Therefore, using an optimizer in combination with a microinverter is not necessary.
No, we recommend keeping the shading management activated, if available, for all inverter brands.
8 Planning Questions
Our optimizer is available in planning tools like PV Sol or the Solar.Pro.Tool and can be planned into the system.
We have a range of tools designed to assist installers during planning:
Module Checker Here you can easily check if you can use our optimizers with your module.
Link: BRC Solar Module Compatibility (brc-solar.de)
Inverter Checker Here you can easily check if a full setup with this inverter is possible. It is important that the inverter has global MPP tracking.
Link: Inverter Checker – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
Planning Tool With this tool, you can quickly check if the necessary minimum voltage of your inverter is maintained even when using optimizers.
With the BRC optimizer, only the affected modules need to be equipped with an optimizer. If the monitoring function is used, at least 4 modules per string must be equipped with an optimizer.
We have created an overview that shows the impact on modules when combining different orientations/roof tilts. We recommend optimization if the percentage yields of the two module orientations differ by 5% or more.
The rows of the graphic show different roof tilts starting from 0° (0° = horizontal). The columns of the graphic show different orientations starting from 0° (0° = perfect south orientation).
A minimum number of optimizers is only necessary when using the monitoring function. Here, at least 4 modules per string must be equipped with an optimizer.
By using our optimizers, it is possible to combine different module types within the same string.
Since the optimizer always brings the reduced current to the level of the other modules, it is important to equip the modules with the smaller MPP current with an optimizer.
The use of our optimizers is not approved for parallel strings. Since the voltage in parallel connections is always maintained in both strings, the following options are possible:
Option 1
As soon as one of the modules within a parallel string produces less current than the other modules, the current of the affected string is throttled to the lower current of the weakest module. This results from the fact that the voltage is predetermined in the two parallel strings. Therefore, neither bypass diodes nor optimizers are activated. (Voltage is leading within parallel connections)
Option 2
As soon as one of the modules needs optimization due to lower irradiation, the optimizer of this module activates and reduces the voltage due to its functionality.
This causes a reduction in the voltage in the other parallel string, leading to a reduction in performance.
Therefore, a parallel connection is only recommended if there is no inhomogeneous irradiation.
If problematic (affected by inhomogeneous irradiation) parallel connections occur, these problematic modules should be placed on a separate MPP. This string can then be equipped with BRC optimizers.
The BRC optimizer can also be retrofitted to existing systems, as long as the modules and the inverter are suitable.
Planning inquiries can be submitted via the following link. Simply select “Planning Inquiry” under the category.
Contact – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
To keep the number of inquiries low, we recommend using our planning tool first:
Planning Tool – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
You can also sign up for one of our webinars and speak with us personally. You can find the registration option here:
Since an optimizer reduces the voltage when needed, it is particularly important to ensure compliance with the inverter’s minimum voltage. No string should be planned at the absolute minimum, as temperature influences can also affect the string’s voltage.
To be sure, we recommend using our planning tool. This tool specifically checks whether the minimum voltage of the inverter is maintained, even with activated optimizers, in the worst-case scenario. You can find the planning tool here:
9 Issues with an Existing System
In the event of a defect in the optimizers, we ask the installer to contact us directly. We might be able to resolve the issue without needing to dismantle the optimizers. To do this, please fill out the form at the following link and select “Problem with an existing system” as the category:
Contact – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
Once we suspect that the optimizers might be defective, we ask you to discuss this with your distributor. You will receive an RMA document from us, which must be included in the package when returning the optimizers.
The allegedly defective devices will be tested at our facility in Ettlingen. Once we have the test results, you will be contacted directly.
If the devices are indeed defective, you will receive a credit note for the replacement of the optimizers through the distributor.
However, if the devices are functioning correctly, we will return them to you.
10. Purchasing Options
We distribute our devices only through wholesalers. Therefore, we cannot specify the price or conditions under which you will receive the optimizers from your wholesaler.
A list of our wholesale partners can be found here:
Power Optimizer – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
If there is no suitable wholesaler listed, you can send us a purchase inquiry. We will try to contact a suitable wholesaler who can provide you with an offer for the optimizers.
You can find the purchase inquiry here:
We distribute our devices only through wholesalers. A list of our wholesale partners can be found here:
Power Optimizer – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
If there is no suitable wholesaler listed, you can send us a purchase inquiry. We will try to contact a suitable wholesaler who can provide you with an offer for the optimizers.
You can find the purchase inquiry here:
A list of our wholesale partners can be found here:
Power Optimizer – BRC Solar GmbH (brc-solar.de)
If there is no suitable wholesaler listed, you can send us a purchase inquiry. We will try to contact a suitable wholesaler who can provide you with an offer for the optimizers.
You can find the purchase inquiry here: